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cisco system inc中文是什么意思

用"cisco system inc"造句"cisco system inc"怎么读"cisco system inc" in a sentence


  • 西斯科系统公司


  • But cisco systems inc . on monday plans to launch a tool for orchestrating corporate meetings between far - flung parties that it claims will deliver a vastly more intimate experience
  • San francisco ( reuters ) - cisco systems inc . , the world ' s largest maker of equipment that directs internet traffic , on wednesday said its quarterly net income surged 76 percent as corporations and telecommunications carriers spent more on technology
    旧金山(路透社)世界最大的互联网解决方案供应商思科系统公司星期三称,由于企业和通讯业的发展越来越多地倚靠于科技,思科系统公司季度净收入提升了76 。
  • The department of information and communications technology has been in collaboration with cisco systems inc . ( csi ) to establish a cisco networking academy in tuen mun campus since 1999 , offering quality training to students in the fields of telecommunications and networking
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